Monday, January 17, 2011

This Week's Goals!

Well, it is that time again to try and regain some ground and reach our first true objective......Submission of our Registration Dossier to Hand in Hand by Friday. This is going to take some serious effort from St. Lucia. For some reason, they are having a heck of a time making 3 copies of our marriage certificate and having them apostilled. I am in daily contact with Sandals Resort in St. Lucia to try and push from that end. I think I am going to tell them that Melissa and I will need to travel to St. Lucia for the week to take care of this in person......hahah, but seriously! We also got the final 3 documents signed from our Social Worker today that we were waiting for. We have all documents notarized this weekend. The plan is to drive down to Richmond on Thursday to get everything apostille and then have it back in FEDEX either that day or Friday. Then the true timeline begins. If everything goes as planned (yeah right!) on the agency side, it is estimated to take 21 days to get our date back from Russia. Fingers crossed!

That's it for now, will give an update on Wednesday.....Charlie

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